Saturday, May 31, 2008
#75 Final Video
For you who cannot view youtube videos, such as those of you in the military, I have also uploaded my recent videos to Google video. : )
Like this one:
Friday, May 30, 2008
#75 plus 2 more pictures
Now those three spinners are welded on. Two on the single marble track; one before the tipping arm and the other just past the second section of wavy track. The third spinner is just after the loop d' loop where the marbles shoots out, giving the spinner quite a hard push. (Mostly hidden with this camera view.)'s construction in 10 pictures
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
The marble collector, up close
Also in this photo is my trusty stainless steel block. Not just any block, it has been water cut into it's basic shape. The groove on the end looks like someone wanted to see if a very tight corner could be cut using the water jet. I dunno. I do know that it makes a great weight when needed, and is cool to think that only water was used to cut it.

Here's the collector installed on the sculpture. Note the added piece at the bottom. This was for weight, but will also be used as the stop when it tips down release the 3 marbles on the track below.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Another day, another track

Two more tracks to go : )
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
#75 just getting started; framed and lifted
This is the frame, it stands off the wall 7 inches so the track can go in front and behind the frame. It gives me more room to work and will keep the track from sticking out too far. The frame is made from all 1/4" stainless steel rod.

The first track I will work on? The loop d' loop!
Friday, May 16, 2008
#74 Final Video, now with 7 spinners
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Added some spinners for fun!
This is the jump rope spinner. Only, the jump-roper does the spinning, not the rope!
Here's the other large circle spinner, this spinner and the jump rope spinner are both on the 3-marble train track.

This, of course, means that I will definitely be doing another video.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Photos of #74
The second track splitter/switch

The spaghetti track at the bottom. This section collects tracks 2 and 3, or not the loop d' loop track.

Now that it is all complete I will be starting on my next project; a wall hanging sculpture. Stay tuned!
Friday, May 9, 2008
#74 almost completed.

Thursday, May 8, 2008
New sculpture

This is my progress as of today. I should be able to get most of track three laid tomorrow. I can't do the wavy track like you see at the bottom of the sculpture now with marbles rolling in a row, like a train. In a marble train, sometimes the marble behind another goes faster than the marble in front. When this happens then the marble behind can run into marble ahead of it, slowing itself enough that it will fall back and settle in a valley, stopping all other marbles that come next. It is quite enjoyable to attach the next track rails and then decide where I want the track to go. I plan a few moves ahead, build them, and go onto the next. I especially like to make the loops which is why a lot of my sculptures have them. They are FUN to make, and even more fun to watch, over and over. : ) I enjoy tracing the two rail paths in my mind as I bend the corners and try to imagine where the track can go next on it's fast, gravity defying path.
I will take some video soon. I will probably wait until I get it finished. It is close and I don't want to use the time to take video, when it will be better to film when it is finished. Can't wait!